Once an order has been processed and shipped, we are not able to upgrade or change shipping methods. We are also unable to modify or cancel the items on your order once it has been confirmed and shipped.

Please note that we use a variety of carriers for each shipping option, and will choose the most appropriate delivery method for the desired shipping address. It is not possible to specify a preferred carrier when placing an order with us. Please be advised that carriers may require someone to sign for your shipment. (If you are shipping to an apartment or in an office building, the carrier might require you to sign for the packages and will not be left at the door.)

Shipment Processing Time

While we strive to ship all orders received before 1 pm (IST) on the same day, there may be some delay in fulfilling the same. Please be assured that orders not shipped out the same day would be shipped out the next business day depending on stock availability. We ship from our warehouses in Mumbai and Kolkata and depending on our inventory, we ship from the closest location to you.

All contact lenses orders with spherical powers are processed and shipped within 1-2 business days, while torics and multifocal orders are shipped within 4-5 business days. If you have an urgent requirement of your lenses, please place your order and mail us your order ID. We would try our best to make your order reach you on time.

If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, shipments might be delayed by a few days. Please allow additional days for transit in delivery. If there will be a significant delay in the shipment of your order, then we will contact you via email or telephone, provided at the time of placing the order.

Shipping Rates & Estimates

Shipping charges for your order will be displayed at checkout. We provide free shipping on all orders above Rs. 499 and levy a delivery fee of Rs. 20 on orders below Rs. 499.


Shipment Method Item Estimated Delivery Time Delivery Cost
Shipment MethodStandard Air ItemContact Lenses Estimated Delivery Time2-3 days Delivery CostFree
Shipment MethodStandard Surface ItemLens Care Solutions Estimated Delivery Time4-5 days Delivery CostRs. 10